150% ROI on an Online Business

How to Generate 150% ROI Buying an Online Business

Most established web businesses tend to sell for anywhere between 2x and 4x of their yearly cash flow, but for many buyers having to wait 4 years to recoup their investment seems long, especially if there are significant risks involved.

Here are 6 “rules” from my own acquisition strategy, along with some case studies, showing you how I look beyond the “profit multiple” when completing acquisitions and usually achieve a far better ROI.

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Exit Plan

11 Steps to Selling Your Website for Profit

So you have a website or an online business and you’re considering selling it for a lump sum of cash that you can then invest in your newest venture, or perhaps use it as a retirement fund or to finance that round-the-world trip that you’ve been dreaming of?

It may seem fairly easy and simple, but in reality, there are a number of pitfalls that the majority of first time sellers don’t know to avoid, resulting in deals falling through at the last minute, seller getting paid much less than the business is actually worth, or in not being able to find a buyer at all.

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Fraud in Website Acquisitions

The #1 Rule When Buying an Online Business

Buying online businesses often involves a significant learning curve, especially when dealing with more complicated businesses that come with a lot of moving parts. You need to know what’s the fair price to pay, how to complete proper due diligence, how to organise the handover of the business, what to do with the business after you’ve bought it and much more.

But there’s one rule that’s the most important of all – and not following this will quickly lead you to a financial disaster.

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Fact or Myth - Website Due Diligence

7 Common Myths About Website Due Diligence

Performing due diligence on websites or online businesses is needless to say a difficult and daunting task. But it would be MUCH easier if it wasn’t for the large quantities of myths and flawed advice being thrown around by self-proclaimed “professionals”. This article looks at the 7 most common DD myths.

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The MOST Important Website Due Diligence Question (That Buyers Rarely Ask)

If you’re someone who’s looking to purchase an online business or purchased a few already, you probably know that due diligence is a difficult subject, and there are a lot of things to verify and confirm before you can safely assume that the site you’re about to commit your hard earned money to is actually worth it, and not the work of a smart scammer trying to sell you a dud.

But even the buyers who tend to perform extremely thorough due diligence often completely neglect what I consider by far the most important due diligence question/assessment when buying an online business ……

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Unbiased Broker Reviews

Are All Website Brokers Misrepresenting Financials?

Quiet Light, FE International, Deal Flow, Latona’s – we’re all guilty of it! Or at least this is how some buyers see it.
With nearly half a decade in the online business brokerage industry, the number one concern that I keep hearing from buyers is related to accounting with owner’s time (and the cost of it) in the provided financials.

This is clearly a major issue, and one that no online business brokerage has yet managed to properly solve.

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